Hey all, welcome to my Long Labia Changelog, it’s new because before, when it launched way back when, it was html and java.  I’m starting this one again because this new platform will be making them from time to time.  I wanted to add this functionality to further enhance the directory for everyone who might surf us on the day to day.

  • 2024
  • 2025

Summer 2024 / August 20 – Yep, yep, getting this directory birthed and getting traffic by the fall is priority one for me, tbh.  I’ll be fixing and adding more, hope you are all well.

Summer 2024 / July 29 – Hey all, you’ll see that Long Labia Babes is starting to look like my other directories more or less.  I’ll be back sooner rather than later to finish up the version updates!

Winter 2024 / January 27 – No I haven’t forgotten about this directory, i’ll be back building this long labia directory, as I have time .  I’m indexing sponsors this time of the year and hope to have enough promotional content to convert this into a fully fledged long labia and big pussy directory.  Like the other ones I own.

launching next year

Reach Out

Hey all, any comments, questions or anything else, please send me an email and I'll get back to you, ASAP.

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